Sunday, November 21, 2010


Yesterday I hung out with Donald at the library.
Also I've  decided I want to make this an art blog (I think I said that But this is what I will be drawing in then I'll scan them for blog purposes<3

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Sick and Stuff


Look ma, no school

I've been sick with strep and it's not getting better. Fortunately, Comcast keeps me mildy entertained with movies like Sex and the City 2 (which you had to buy to watch, but that's my little secret), Avatar, My Cousin Vinny (SO FUNNY :D I suggest you watch this), Monique's Hair Show, and shows like Entourage, Weeds, and Adventure Time.  Also, I think I've decided to make this an art blog, seeing as most blogs have a theme to it and I'm not really content with this whole journal like blog or whatever.


Shit I'm bored.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Mario Luigi+ Ben and Jerry

Yesterday night I went to the movies with Donald and we saw The Social Network. Awesome times.

While we were waiting in the lobby for the movie to start we saw the most awesome thing. Mario and Luigi. They came in and bought their tickets and examined the food up front until they finally went into Saw 3D (I think that's what they went into, I forget).NEVERTHELESS, it was awesome to see them 
The Social Network was pretty good but it was kind of...stupid. THEY MADE HIM OUT TO BE AN ASSHOLEFACE. He was seriously pissing me off >:C Fucking douche nigger. But you guys should see it or bootleg it if you're bored.
And Donald, oh Donald, you creep you. <3
He bought me a cup of  chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream at Ben and Jerry's across the street. We shared and were very cheesy and lame together kissing in the corner.
That ice cream was hella gross but I DON'T CARE C:
Awesome night was awesome


Oh yeah, and I gots to wear his jacket. Cuz I coo.

Thursday, October 21, 2010


I haven't posted in some days, the past 7 days has been pretty overwhelming.

I sprained my ankle on Thursday so on Friday I went to the doctor so he could check it out. Instead of saying "Oh it's just a sprain" he has to fucking insult me and tell me that because I am overweight no top of the line guy would ever like me and that I would NEVER get a boyfriend (btw, i has boyfriend :/ ). Totally made me cry.

One of my best friends admitted his love to me (which was a total shock, he did not let on or hint or ANYTHING) and I let him down. I can't wait for the awkwardness when I go back to school on Monday. :0

My dog Sandy bit the neighbor's kid yesterday and he had to go to the ER. Soon after she bit my cousin and he had to go to ( I am almost POSITIVE he provoked her, he has been here all week and she's hadn't show'd any disliking towards him. He's the kind of kid who is very...he's a wimpy punk bitch. Whenever he's afraid of something he pushes it away and totally over reacts, so I'm sure after biting the kid next door he was afraid....). This is the the first time this has ever happened. Ever. My aunt is going to put Sandy down no matter what I say. She's a chow and she should not be around children, she's a dog of isolation and protection. I was quite down yesterday after all of this went down so... :( 


Tomorrow I'm going to a football game with Donald(boyfriend) so that's pretty much the only awesome thing that happens this week.
Pretty much all for now. 


Tuesday, October 12, 2010


The time I find perfect to wear a striped sweater
Is most of the time

Preferably, one with a collar resembling that of a tortoise's
That's the kind

So if anyone out there is wearing that one perfect sweater

...I envy thee


Today was soooo fun (except second period; geometry sucks ass). I gave my friend, Victoria , a panda ring because I accidentally ordered two and I gave Ali some earrings that Modcloth gives as a free gift. They very much enjoyed the gifts so I liked making seeing them so happy. I lav my freshies <3
I skipped my club today and went to study hall instead and the guy I sat by looked like a borderline murderer. I was EXTREMELY uncomfortable (No offense, young man, I'm sure you have lots of murderous friends D: ) Also, I would like to NOT do Art II next year because Art I is fucking stupid. The teacher is a total "RACISM AND HOMOPHOBIA IS RONG AND KILLING ANIMALS MAKES ME CRAI BAWWWWWWWWWwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwagljajgaklgj;alegjae;lgjae;".  No two years of that for me, thank you.

Anyways, in more unimportant news, I need to re dye my hair
It was like this about two weeks ago 
Fucking roots (NO PUN INTENDED el o el nigger) 
No one look at the massive bags under my eyes. Don't look.

But yeah, my aunt and my grandma complain that I dye my hair too much so I won't be dying it for a while. I'm trying to let it grow out anyways so, eh.

<3 My life is shitty.

Monday, October 11, 2010

The Best Day Ever+ Stuff

I awake to a knock at my window.
My neighbor, Mr.Sun, stood there. Smiling at me.
I opened my window and greeted him with a frown.
"It's going to be a good one, just wait and see."
I closed and locked my window.

I made my bed and I strolled outside
Feeling so ecstatic and satisfied.
I could tell today was going to be
the best day


So I've been getting more into children's shows (more than usual) and I like to make the songs from them sound very serious, or like a deep piece of literature. LAME, I know, but it makes me happy.

My things arrived today from Modcloth and I must say, I am most happy. The bag is so cute that I can't wait to show it off tomorrow. Bitches, they will be hating. Oh yes.

I wish my toll freundin Mandy Grathwohl would get a blog, it'd make my day that much better.
Isn't she just the most beautiful thing you've ever seen? GAH, so purty.

I suppose that is all for now.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Lav lav lav

Now I know I'm totally going to sound like I'm dick riding Modcloth because I mentioned them in the last blog, but I'm quite eager for my things to arrive. I didn't order exactly what I posted last time but STILL.
Lace is just...ugh. dgaqhjuswusryu syuswyaqt SO CUTE. GAH.

I have the wallet to this already and I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee it. <3

I need a cozy cardigan for this. I wish I could wear it with a nice little jacket but it's all of a sudden gotten hot again. Fucking midsouth weather. 

But anyways, my life has been pretty poopy lately. Have a scratch/scar thing above my lip and I need to see my bay bay and franns and mein bruder. I also need mula.

My life is shit. :c
